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4th Preclinical Models Imaging Workshop

4th Preclinical Models Imaging Workshop

October 14-18, 2024

Once per year BIOEMTECH CRO Laboratories open their doors and meet with the Drug Discovery & Targeted Radioligand Therapy community, to discuss methodologies & share experience & knowledge. They welcome renowned speakers from Academia & Industry and explore optimal procedures, in their boutique GLP laboratories.

Workshop Brochure:



The Golden Age Hotel (theoretical sessions) Michalakopoulou 57, 11528 Athens Greece

& BIOEMTECH Laboratories (hands-on sessions) Kleisthenous 271, 15344 Athens Greece

Fees: 800 € early bird (20% discount for registrations completed until July 15th) | 950 € (after July 15th) | 750 € Student (requiring proof)


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